“What’s up with your toes?” A fellow guide asked me, as he pointed to my feet that were propped up next to the warm fireplace. Looking down I see the […]
How to Avoid Frozen Pipes During Frigid Winter Months
One of the most important things to know about your home is where your main water shut off valve is located. Many homes have a valve inside that is easily […]
Safety Tips for Winter Driving
I was just ten minutes away from home on my hour drive from work, when the cars in front of me started to hit their brakes. We just had a […]
Safety Tips for Starting and Putting Out a Fire
Knowing how to make a fire while enjoying the great outdoors can literally save your life. It can also boost morale on a cold day of camping, hiking and/or hunting. […]
Improve Time Management and Reduce Stress
Do you ever feel a sense of panic when you read your to-do list? Do you feel like there isn’t enough time in a 24-hour day to do all the […]
On-The-Go-Fitness: Staying Fit While Traveling
Whether you are a seasoned traveler or someone who gets away once a year, you can easily find a fitness routine that works for you. You might actually spice up […]
6 Tips on Packing Your Lunch During the Week
Eating a healthy lunch and making it ahead of time is not that hard if you follow these six steps. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your food can help you […]
If You See Something, Say Something®
Do you and/or would you report something suspicious? The slogan If You See Something, Say Something® was originally implemented and trademarked by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY MTA). In July […]
Oh My Aching Feet!
Over the decades that I have worked as a personal trainer, my clients all have asked me that common question regarding which athletic shoe to wear. Many of them would […]
Surviving an Active Shooter Event
As we all know, the world has changed drastically in the last few years, with the pandemic, economic instability, global tensions, rising fuel and food prices. The Americans are feeling […]