Hotel check in 4.5 starts

Pay Attention to Your Surroundings’ Surroundings

Paying attention to your surroundings and being situationally aware extends beyond your immediate environment. During a recent trip, we chose to stay at a hotel in a “safe” downtown area. […]

what will you do if you see something would you say something

If You See Something, Say Something®

Do you and/or would you report something suspicious? The slogan If You See Something, Say Something® was originally implemented and trademarked by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY MTA). In July […]

Hotel Safety Tips

Safety Tips While Staying at a Hotel

Traveling and being away from the comforts of your own home doesn’t have to make you feel uneasy, especially when it comes to staying in a hotel where people are […]

Be Ready For Spring's Buzz

Bee Ready for Spring’s Buzz

Bites, Stings and Creepy Things Situational Awareness also includes being on the lookout for environmental dangers. Stinging insects send over 500,000 people to the emergency room each. Each spring we […]