Is Danger Lurking in Your Garden?

Is dangerous wildlife lurking in your garden? First, you should know, that all dangers in the garden can be alleviated or dealt with and gardening of any kind, should not be scary. You should enjoy it. We all have different ideas of what gardening looks like, depending on where you live, what you were exposed to as ‘gardening” growing up and what brings you joy. With so many dangers to help you be aware of it was hard to narrow it down to the following categories: dangers in the garden that move, dangers in the garden that grow and dangers in the garden you don’t often think about.

Dangerous wildlife lurking in your garden that fall into the category of “Dangers That Move” are all things that walk, slither and fly. 

I love spending time in my yard and my gardening includes, growing plants, a vegetable garden and even some hardscape landscaping in Georgia. Please know that all dangerous wildlife is different by state, region and zones, so make sure and get the information for your area. I use this website, University of Georgia Extension in my state to learn more about what dangers I may face when it comes to insects. Everyone has things that top the list. For most it is often Bees and other flying “stinging” insects. My concerns are more in the category of “biting” insects. Insects like tics, spiders and even scorpions(even though I haven’t experienced a scorpion in my garden). If you are a person that has a known allergic reaction to those things that sting, PLEASE make sure and keep your EPI-pen with you at all times!

Dangers That Slither

The other dangerous things that move in your garden slither, yes I mean snakes. Now I know some of you will stop reading here because you have a paralyzing fear of snakes, but what you should do is learn to identify which snakes are good and which are truly poisonous. For many their first reaction to seeing a snake is to kill them. But good snakes actually help with other pests like mice, rates, moles and voles. Like insects, snake species are different by your location. Here is a link from the CDC, Types of Venomous Snakes. It is best if you search for our state Department of Natural Resources and review the dangerous snakes in your area. 

snake in grass dangerous garden

Dangers That Grow

Dangerous wildlife lurking in your garden that fall into the category of “Dangers That Grow” can include, vines, leaves and even berries. With homesteading and an immersion in families being able to grow their own food and herbs has also lead them to experiment and try herbal remedies and medicines often picking berries and leaves that are poisonous or could be poisonous if not prepared properly. If someone ever ingests something believed to be poisonous they should immediately contact poison control, 1-800-222-1222, you can read more about poison control HERE.

The Dangers That Grow in my garden are all of the known poisonous plants and vines. You know, Poison Ivy, Poison, Oak and Poison Sumac. In the Spring and Summer months if you see me at one of our events, I am probably fighting a rash caused by one of these lovely plants. Everyone reacts differently. As a child I was not allergic to any of them. As an adult I am not so lucky and at any of our events you could probably ask me to show you the rash I am fighting in the moment. The important part is that you try an avoid the poison plants, but if you do come in contact and end up with a rash that you cannot treat, reach out to your doctor for help.

poison ivy can grow in your garden

Dangers of Gardening

When it comes to Dangerous Wildlife in Your Garden this next category doesn’t actually fit with “wildlife’ but it is a real danger. Those dangers that you don’t often think about include, sticks, stumps, holes and rocks. It is easy to be so focused on the task at hand and take a step right into a hole, falling and twisting your ankle. Or, busting brush or clearing away debris and get stuck or punctured by a stick. Rocks are dangerous as a trip hazard, finger smasher and often we try and carry them and they are too heavy and finally stumps and stubs can hide under leaves and grass and cause you to trip and hurt yourself. How do you conquer these dangers. Stay Aware and make good decisions.

Staying aware and making good decisions is really the key to avoiding the Dangerous Wildlife in Your Garden. Remember research for your area and zone is critical. A few more articles that aregood for reference are about bug bites and stings and mosquitos. Now, it’s time to grab your gloves your Thermacell for Mosquitos, your LaCrosse Boots and hit the yard!!

garden basket
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