pistol patent day colt buzz revolver

Keeping the Tradition of Safety Alive

When I hear the words “Tradition”, “Firearms” & “Safety” there are several firearms companies that have been around a very long time that exemplify those words, one of those being Colt.   […]

Stop Bullying

Bullying: Definition, Intervention and Prevention

Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. Being a victim of bullying can have far-reaching psychological effects on children, adolescents and adults. If you have ever been bullied, you always […]

woman shooting rifle

Physical Fitness Benefits of Sports

There are many physical benefits to taking up shooting sports.  Increased strength, stamina, balance, hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills are just some of the benefits.  For instance, hand guns greatly increase […]

Family on computer using internet

Navigating the Digital Playground

Balancing Parental Monitoring and Online Safety for Kids  In an era dominated by digital connectivity, parents find themselves faced with the challenging task of ensuring their children’s safety in the […]

Heart Disease in Women

Heart Disease is the number one killer of women, and is not slowing down the race against Cancer, which is the number two. This is a sobering fact women must […]

layered gear

Staying Safe While Exercising in the Dark

Exercising outside after dark can be a safety hazard. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 80% of pedestrian traffic fatalities occur at night or in low-light conditions. […]

Holiday ornament

Holiday Safety Tips

‘Tis the season to be safe and protected! The holidays are a joyous time for families and friends to gather and share in the festivities of the season. It can […]

traffic in winter driving

Safety Tips for Winter Driving

I was just ten minutes away from home on my hour drive from work, when the cars in front of me started to hit their brakes. We just had a […]